Project Cappuccino 2 - Devlog #6

Hello everyone. It’s been a while since we’ve had a public news post about Project Cappuccino 2, but we’ve finally found a small bit of breathing room to make one. The game has still been in active development but to say this past year has been terrible is an understatement.

When the Kickstarter failed to hit the goal, we retreated from marketing for a while to focus on game development. Unfortunately, we’ve hit stumble after stumble. It’s been difficult staying motivated but we continue to chip away at the project as much as possible.

Cancer Significantly Delayed Progress

During the second half of 2023, I ended up being diagnosed with testicular cancer and had to go through that ordeal. Lots of productive time was flushed down the toilet thanks to that, but I got lucky that it was caught at Stage 1 and am essentially cured of it at this point. Aside from having to follow up with regular scans and bloodwork, I can now put this behind me.

So, on to what’s been going on with the game.

Expanding Story

Chapter 1 of all routes have been implemented and players can now experience Rosaria, Mana, Yani and Charlotte’s stories. 

This comes with new NPCs that make an appearance. Nefta here is Charlotte’s mother and one of the primary antagonists of the underworld plot line. Try not to be seduced by her huge personality.

Adding all characters to BJ Scene

Existing scenes are gradually getting all of the characters added to them for players to enjoy in Story or Free Play mode.

Our goal is to have NSFW scenes feature all 4 new succubi and the 4 girls from the original cast for a total of 8 characters. We've managed to streamline the process of adding a character and we were able to add 3 of them over a month or so.

Removing Rhythm Game

After receiving feedback and going through some planning, we’ve decided to remove the Rhythm game from Project Cappuccino 2. The cutscenes from it will still remain but most players in our poll were indifferent toward this feature, or flat-out disliked it. The time saved here is instead going into other aspects of the game.

Adding Missing Backgrounds and Pending Scenes

A few backgrounds are still missing but are currently in the works. We’d like to have all of the main backgrounds of Chapter 1 ready to go for the next public demo.

We’re making sure to include lots of creepy lore since players seem to dig that.

New Scenes, Toys and More

The toy box has been redesigned and is no longer across the bottom of the screen.

We ended up having to do this because it was previously blocking some character's boobs depending on their size and scene. Various toys have been added to the game along with this, including some nipple toys and a few collars to use on the girls.

This scene is next on our plate to get into the game and will feature Yani sex in doggy style. It may prove to be a little bit tricky since we want to give players the option of grabbing her by the horns.

Preparing New Public Demo

It’s been a long time since we had a new public demo and we’re trying to have one ready to go before Summer this year. Depending on how this new public demo performs, we’ll see if the game is ready for an Early Access release on various platforms.

If there are too many issues or feedback is negative, we’ll put the game back in the oven for a while for more content and polish.

If you’d like to follow the development of the game, feel free to join our Discord. You can also check out our Development Road Map.

Thanks for your interest and support for our games!

-Vanis & Doku

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Sorry that you have been having a rough time, but glad that at least it seems like the worst is behind you. Best wishes and good luck in the future!

Thank you, much appreciated!